Curriculum Vitae
Personal information:
Name: Mohamed Abdelrady Mahmoud
Profession: Lecturer of Culture Anthropology
Place of Work: Anthropology Department- Institute of African
Research and Studies Cairo University.
Marital Status: Married
Date of Birth: 01/01/1984
Place of Birth: Qena
Nationality: Egypt
Military Status: Completed military service
Academic Qualifications
•PhD in African studies from anthropology
Department (2016) institute of African Research
and studies, Cairo University, Entitled: The Role
cultured elites culture capital in Developing
Sudan society " : Field study in Khartoum city"
• Master in Arts, culture Anthropology (2012)
sociology Department, Faculty of arts, Cairo
University, Entitled: " social capital of street
children: field study in Cairo city"
• Diploma in African studies "Anthropology",
(June 2012) Institute of African Research And
Studies, Cairo University.
• Bachelors of Arts, Anthropology Department
(May 2004), Faculty of Arts south valley
university, grade: very good.
Computer Skills
- International Computer Driving License (icdl)
Work Experience
[7/2011 - Present]. Institute of African Research
and Studies, Cairo University.
- Demonstrator of culture Anthropology (2011-
- Assistant Lecturer of culture Anthropology
(2013- 2016).
- Lecturer of culture Anthropology (2016-
Field Experiences:
• Field Researcher at the National Center for
Social and Criminological Research from 4-
• Researcher and field supervisor Information
Center and Decision Support from 2009-2011.
•Researcher and field supervisor Research and
Social Studies Centre at the Faculty of Arts -
Cairo University.
Conference and seminars
- Post a research paper entitled "network of social
relations among street children in the fifteenth
National Center for Social and Criminological
Research Conference entitled under your childhood
issues and the future of Egypt and held in the period
13 to 15 May 2013.
- Post a research paper entitled" The quality of
life as one of the dimensions of social
security in Africa (Sudan model) in Institute of
African Research and Studies, Cairo University
international conference entitled under" Human
Security in Africa": freedom from fear and
freedom from poverty and living in dignity from
26 to 27 May 2015.
- Post a research paper entitled "the impact of
cultural capital on the future of development in
Sudanese society in Institute of African Research
and Studies, Cairo University international
conference entitled under" Africa new perspective
and held in the period 25- 27 may 2016.
- Post a research paper entitled" Role of Research
Centers in the Development of Egyptian-Sudanese
Relations, Nile Basin Studies Center as a model in
Sudan center for research & strategic studies,
conference entitled under" The first Sudanese-
Sudanese relations conference in the Republic of
Sudan held in the period 31 October - 1novmber
- Post a research paper entitled" The Role of Tourist
Constituencies in the Sustainable Development of
Jagboub Oasis in Libya in Institute of African
Research and Studies, Cairo University
international conference entitled under"
Sustainable Development in Africa 7-8 may
- Post a research paper entitled" The Role of Social
Capital in the
Social Adaptation of the Elderly: Field Study in the
5th Annual International Conference on Demography
and Population Studies, 18-21 June 2018, Athens,
- Golden Triangle- Potential of integration and
development, Institute of Sudanese Research
And Studies, Cairo University, 5- 6 December
2012 (Organizing committee).
- Credibility and ethics, Quality Assurance and
certification Center, Cairo University, 6 March
- Students, graduates, education, learning,
Quality Assurance and certification Center, Cairo
University, 25 March 2013.
- Refugee legal protection in international law,
The United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees in Egypt, 11 April 2013.
-Academic Advising, Quality Assurance and
certification Center, Cairo University, 4 March
Training Courses
• Acquire basic skills course, Cairo University,
• Skills of scientific research course, Cairo
University, 2009.
Other certificates:
• Scientific reading skill course in English, Social
Studies Centre at the Faculty of Arts - Cairo
University, 2009.
• Financial and legal aspects in university
business Course, Faculty and Leadership
Development Center, Cairo University, April
• The modern trends in teaching Course, Faculty
and Leadership Development Center, Cairo
University, May 2012.
•Time and meetings management Course,
Faculty and Leadership Development Center,
Cairo University, April 2013.
• International publication Course, Faculty and
Leadership Development Center, Cairo
University, May 2013.
• Preparation of competitive projects to fund
scientific research Course, Faculty and
Leadership Development Center, Cairo
University, June 2013.
• Examinations systems and evaluating students'
course, Faculty and Leadership Development
Center, Cairo University, December 2012.
• Communication skills in different learning
styles course, Faculty and Leadership
Development Center, Cairo University,
December 2014.
• Strategic planning Faculty and Leadership
Development Center, Cairo University, march
• Effective Teaching skills Faculty and Leadership
Development Center, Cairo University, October
• Managing Research teams Faculty and
Leadership Development Center, Cairo
University, march 2016.
• Creative thinking, Faculty and Leadership
Development Center, Cairo University, may
• University Code of Ethics Faculty and
Leadership Development Center, Cairo
University, November 2016.
Problem- Based Learning Faculty and
Leadership Development Center, Cairo
University, April 2018.